How to know if you’re experiencing a dental emergency:

Dental emergencies can happen for a range of reasons. You can call Innovative Dental Pascoe Vale if you think you are experiencing a dental emergency. We will make sure you’re looked after, no matter if you’re an existing patient or a new patient.

We offer a same-day dental emergency if possible.

Signs of a dental emergency include:

  • Chipped, cracked or lost teeth
  • Severe toothache
  • Swelling of the jaw, face or gums
  • Numbness in the gums, face or jaw
  • Bleeding of the mouth and gums
  • Losing a crown or filling
  • Abscesses

 Most dental issues aren’t to be concerned about, and can usually be left until your next scheduled appointment. However, the above symptoms can be a sign of serious infection or injury. If these are left untreated, they can turn into a serious health problem. As a general rule, if you’re unsure if you need an emergency dentist in Pascoe Vale, it’s good to get in contact for a professional opinion.

If your symptoms are severe, you need to make an executive decision and visit the emergency room. Serious injury to the face and jaw, including serious cuts and lacerations, fractures or dislocations, will need urgent medical attention.

At the end of the day, you know your body best. If you’re really unsure whether you require an emergency dentist, it’s advisable to give us a call and we can assess your situation over the phone or book you in for an emergency appointment.

If you do need to visit the emergency room, please make a follow up appointment with your dentist.

Dental Emergency and no health insurance? Don’t stress! At Innovative Dental Pascoe Vale we offer dental emergency exam which includes x-ray.