Wisdom Teeth Removal
At Innovative Dental, our focus is always on holistic patient treatment and preventative dental care. Dr Naser Eshak has over thirty years of experience in general dentistry, and along with his dedicated team, is committed to offering safe, effective, and affordable wisdom teeth removal at Innovative Dental Moonee Ponds.
What are wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically erupt during the late teens or early twenties, and can sometimes cause pain and other dental problems. By the time the wisdom teeth erupt, the rest of the teeth are usually in place and the jaw is often too small to comfortably accommodate the new teeth. Wisdom teeth may try to erupt under existing teeth, or they may partially erupt and push sideways through the gum.
Bacteria and food can become trapped around the wisdom teeth, causing infections such as tooth decay and gum disease. If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain or discomfort, please visit the Innovative Dental team as soon as possible.
What happens during wisdom teeth removal?
Dr Eshak will carefully examine your mouth, along with taking dental x-rays as needed. If your wisdom teeth do need extracting, this is a straightforward procedure normally carried out under local anaesthetic. You may experience some localised swelling for a few days, although Dr Eshak will ensure you have all the information you need to make your recovery as quick and comfortable as possible.